Emails deleted from trash too soon

  • Answered
I'm using Mac Mail on my laptop running OS10.12.3. I set Mail preferences to delete email in trash after 1 month, but only 1 week's worth of emails are in my trash folder. I checked my email online at inmotion and it's the same, only 1 week. I've found a reply from 2013, but I don't think it applies to current versions of IOS and MacOS. I use my iPhone only to view emails, not to delete them. Please advise me how I can keep emails in the trash folder for 1 month.
IMH Support Agent 5
Hello info,

Thank you for your question about Mac mail trash preferences. In the Mail preferences, you should see an option to "Erase deleted messages when". This is the parameter that should control the mail retention policy for messages that were deleted. However, I am not sure if there is an option to automatically delete new or unread messages. You may want to check with Apple support to see if such an option exists.

Christopher M.