Qestion about versions and other

  • Answered
Dear Support!
I want to migrate from aabaco small business (early yahoo small business) web hosting and email. I have some questions about it.
1 - Can I choose Russian language in the control panel?
2 - I need for PHP 5.3 or higher and MySQL 5.0
3 - Requirements to PHP 5.3:
availability of libraries: sockets, curl, dom, gd, json, libxml, mcrypt, mbstring, mysql, xml, zip, zlib;
realpath_cache_size = 4096k;
max_input_vars = 10000;
mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8;
mbstring.func_overload = 2;
safe_mode = Off;
short_open_tag = On;
memory_limit not less than 32 MB, 128MB is better;
max_file_uploads and upload_max_filesize 20M or more, depending on the projected size of the uploaded data;
highly recommended PHP Accelerator (APC, OPCache or any other).
4 - I need Apache 1.3 and higher with htaccess and mod_rewrite.
5 - Hosting must provide read and write access to the root folder of the site. Minimum rights to 0664 files and folders on the hard disk 0755. The amount allocated under the site must not be less than 2GB.
6 - Pages will be in UT8-8 Encoding

IMH Support Agent 5
Hello, Thank you for contacting us about server requirements. Most of your requests can be satisfied with any of our hosting plans. However, for the critical access (such as root access), you will need at least a VPS hosting plan for customization and flexibility. Best, Christopher M.