Cannot Install WordPress via cpanel

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  • Answered

I am trying to install wordpress via softulocus but each time i get this error

The following errors were found :

Could not write the Configuration File check_charset.php

Could not write the Configuration File soft.htaccess

Could not write the Configuration File wp-config.php

This is a brand new site in a hosting plan i havent used yet any help would be appreciated.

IMH Support Agent 5
Hello wyncole,

Thank you for contacting us about difficulties installing WordPress through Softaculous. This happens from time to time and can be frustrating. If you are using the Softaculous installer you should see an option to "overwrite" existing files. Try to install with that overwrite option checked and let me know if the problem persists. However, make sure you are installing WordPress in the intended domain or directory so you do not overwrite files you need.

Christopher M.
Hello zimanzero,

Did christopherm's response assist you in getting WordPress installed? His solution should resolve the issue.