500 Internal server error when working on updated WordPress theme

  • Answered
I recently installed a new theme on my wordpress, 'gather' by themetrust and I have been able to work with it, then all or a sudden I keep getting 500 server error. I updated wordpress and it temporarily worked again then the error reappeared. I changed the PHP version to 5.5, again it worked temporarily then the error reappeared.
I have also recently installed a widget to allow maintenance mode.
I have tried everything in your community support with no luck. Now its time for some serious help.
Thanks in advance
Hello, Thank you for your question regarding WordPress. This error can be caused by a number of things, a plugin, your .htaccess file, file permissions, etc. I would suggest contacting our customer support department and have them review the Apache error logs while you re-create the 500 error as it will explain the problem at hand. Best Regards, TJ Edens