Boldgrid template problem on Home Page SEO Title field

  • Answered
The text that I enter in the Home Page SEO Title box does not appear in "title" for search engine results. I checked my home page source. I have no text between the . Attached is a copy from my page source; I can't edit this HTML. What can I do?
Hello Alans,

Sorry for the problem with editing the HTML. In the end, the BoldGrid themes are still based on WordPress format. So anything that is showing on the page will either be in a post/page or the theme files. So, if you're trying to edit anything then you would need to change the file associated with the theme that you are using. You can find these files in the WP-Content folder under the theme that you're using. If you're changing something regarding the format of objects within the theme, then you would be making changes to the CSS file.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.