Mysql error on my website

  • Answered
Hello, For several days by going to my website, hosted on your dedicated server, I receive this error message:

Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50536 Library:50616 in /home/istitu5/public_html/Connections/login_utenti.php on line 9
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/istitu5/public_html/Connections/login_utenti.php:9) in /home/istitu5/public_html/laboratori/shakespeareandco/shakespeare_in_mind/romeoandjuliet/ingresso-iscrizione.php on line

Some tips to fix this problem?
Thank's for your help
Luca Di Bello
Hello Luca,

From what I have gathered from the errors you have provided your servers php mysql module is a different version than the mysql server you are running on your server. This happens when Mysql is updated and php was not recompiled.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens