Error 406 logging in problems

  • Answered
After working all day on site yesterday, could not log in today due to error 406. I went and disabled Mod Security within C panel but this has no made any difference.
Hello, Sorry to hear about the problem with logging into your site. Generally, the 406 error is associated with a security issue and it is most likely related to the brute force mod security rules. Typically, to resolve this problem you can try using .htaccess options that my team mate Jacob has written in this article. Since we are able to get to your account, we will set up secondary password security and you will get an email that will tell you how to get in so that this doesn't happen again. We will be basically doing the steps in preventing unauthorized Wordpress login attempts for you. The lockout lasts for about 15 minutes after which you can log in. You should see an email on this issue in a few minutes. If you have any further questions, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.