Joomla RSS feed not updating when cache enabled

  • Answered
Hi We have a joomla 2.5 site and we want to publish an RSS feed. Unfortunately the feed is not updated when we publish news and this has got to do with Caching. When cache is off system works OK. Also tried

1. Global Configuration > System > Cache Settings > On
2. Extensions > Plug-in Manager > System - Cache > Status: Enabled

works OK but home page became distorted and when one enters it did not go to by default

I wonder if anyone can help

Hi wilfredgalea, I'm sorry to hear about the Joomla cache / rss problem that you're having. I did some research, and it appears that many others are having a similar problem, as seen in this thread here: Feed display caching problem If you read the thread, it appears several people have resolved the issue through either:
  • Editing several Joomla core files
  • Installing a 3rd party RSS Component
  • Double checking their caching settings
  • My best suggestion would be to try several of the suggestions those users listed. As this is apparently a known issue and this is a thread on the official Joomla site, you may want to post any feedback there as to what worked / didn't work for you - it would help other Joomla users as well. Thanks, - Brad