Wordpress Error - Cannot use object of type stdClass as array...

  • Answered
Dear Sir,

I was trying to add a video plugin to my website www.rockchurchbasrah.com and suddenly a note was on the screen telling this:

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/rockch6/public_html/wp-content/plugins/grabpress/GrabPress.php on line 193

I am using wordpress and I can no longer login to the website, always I get the above note on a blank page.

What should I do?

Best regards
[email protected]
Hello Johni, Judging from the path given in your post, that error is a php code error and coming from a php file in a plugin named GrabPress. You may disable that plugin and then you should be able to log into your WordPress. From there, you can decide if you still want to use that plugin or not. If you do, you may want to uninstall and reinstall the plugin, or visit the plugins webpage to see if they have a fix for that error. Best Regards, Scott M