W3Total Cache Compatibility Check

  • Answered
My primary site, pinposts.com, has been launched for a little while now, and am trying to set up the W3Total Cache plugin, and make sure I'm doing it properly being on a shared hosting ect..When I ran a compatibility test and here's the results that came back:

Server Modules & Resources:

Plugin Version:
PHP Version: 5.2.17 (PHP5 required for Minify, Rackspace CloudFiles, Microsoft Azure support)
Web Server: Apache
FTP functions: Installed (required for Self-hosted (FTP) CDN support)
Multibyte String support: Installed (required for Rackspace Cloud Files support)
cURL extension: Installed (required for Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Rackspace CloudFiles support)
zlib extension: Installed (required for compression support)
Opcode cache: Not installed
Memcache extension: Not installed
HTML Tidy extension: Installed (required for HTML Tidy minifier suppport)
Mime type detection: Installed (mime_content_type) (required for CDN support)
Hash function: Installed (hash) (required for NetDNA purge support)
Safe mode: Off
Open basedir: Off
zlib output compression: Off
set_time_limit: Available
mod_deflate: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
mod_env: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
mod_expires: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
mod_headers: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
mod_mime: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
mod_rewrite: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
mod_setenvif: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)

WordPress Resources

/home/pinpos5/public_html/.htaccess: OK
/home/pinpos5/public_html/wp-content: OK
/home/pinpos5/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2012/05: OK
Fancy permalinks: /%postname%/
WP_CACHE define: Defined (true)
URL rewrite: Enabled
Network mode: No

What I'm wondering here, is if there's things within my cPanel that needs to be changed for the items above that say "Not Installed" or "Not Detected"?

Hi LauraE,

Thank you for your questions related to the W3 Total Cache plugin. The items listed as not installed (Opcode cache and Memcache) are not required for you to use that plugin. The items listed as not detected are Apache modules that are enabled on the server, but cannot be automatically confirmed by the module. I double checked, and all of those modules are enabled on the server. No changes are needed in your cPanel.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.