Curl Error 65: Necessary Data Rewind Wasn't Possible

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I am running PHP scripts from within a game to "https://www.**************.net/cloud and they work ok.
The problem is that sometimes with not apparent reason it gives me an error saying: "Curl error 65: necessary data rewind wasn't possible".
Why is that? Are there any limitations in my account with PHP? Any ideas?

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Thank you for your question regarding a "curl error 65: necessary data rewind wasn't possible" issue. Unfortunately, without knowing what type of account you have, it is hard for me to say what limits, if any, may exist on your account. But you can view your PHP settings along with other detailed information using a phpinfo page. It is also possible that the error is resulting from coding issues within the PHP scripts themselves.

Best Regards,

Alyssa K.

  • Answer
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Thank you for your question regarding a "curl error 65: necessary data rewind wasn't possible" issue. Unfortunately, without knowing what type of account you have, it is hard for me to say what limits, if any, may exist on your account. But you can view your PHP settings along with other detailed information using a phpinfo page. It is also possible that the error is resulting from coding issues within the PHP scripts themselves.

Best Regards,

Alyssa K.