I want to change my primary domain

  • Answered
Hello my primary domain is intellexio.com , I would like to make openwebsolutions.in to be my current domain (This is now an addon domain under the primary domain)

I would need to make intellexio.com as an add-on domain now, I would like to actually host intellexio.com in my VPS hosting afterwards.

Please let me know how you can help!
Hello openwebsolutions, Thanks for your question about changing your primary domain. You would need to make sure that you remove the addon domain before you move it. Additionally, make sure that the files for both domains (if there are any) have also been moved. Read through this tutorial on changing the main domain for your account. As long as your domains are pointed to our nameservers, then you can move them around without too much trouble. Your main concern will involve the web site files for each domain and making sure that they also move per your requirements. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.