How to Update Whois Information for a Domain Name

  • updated
  • Answered
My WhoIs listing, now that my domain is registered with Inmotion instead of SiteGround, has changed. Now it's under a different name instead of Karen S. Cole. Both names are mine. But I want to use the Cole name and not the other one. How can I change the name my Inmotion domain name is registered under?
Duplicates 1
I updated the admin name and email for whois info and did not get the a verfication email. How do I get one resent?
IMH Support Agent 5
Heyllo karenperalta41, Thanks for question about how to update whois information for a domain name. You can update whois information in the Account Management Panel that InMotion has provided. As always, you are advised to wait a few hours after updating the information for the new records to take effect across the web. Best, Christopher M.

If you don't receive a notification, you may need to check your spam folder or ensure your email settings are correct.