Apache Tomcat 8.5 HTTP (80) to HTTPS (443) Redirect HOW-TO?

  • Answered
In a standalone Apache Tomcat (8.5.x) HTTP Server, how can configure it so if a user types www.domain.com, they will be automatically forwarded to https://www.domain.com. The 2 step method of including the following in your WEB-INF/web.xml before the closing tag HTTPSOnly /* CONFIDENTIAL and setting the [Tomcat_base]/conf/server.xml connector settings: has not worked? Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Additional details: I'm using Spring 4 MVC as well (don't think it matters however :-) )
Hello jowens1914, Thank you for your question on configuring Apache TomCat to redirect from port 80 to 443. Unfortunately, our normal support team is not able to support Apache TomCat questions. It is not part of our normal setup. If you are one of our customers, you can likely get our Manged Hosting Team to take a look. They work with more configurations that are not our default. Their services do have a fee, however. Kindest Regards, Scott M