why does my website show different on wordpress and boldgrid

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Why does my website show different under wordpress and boldgrid. (still learning how this works)

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Hello and thanks for contacting us. WordPress is the content management system (CMS) or website builder. BoldGrid is a plugin suite that adds features to WordPress. If you have BoldGrid installed, it'll be on a WordPress website. Please see our BoldGrid Introduction article and call our Live Support if you have any further questions. That also allows us to quickly answer any further questions you have regarding web hosting - security, email, analytics, design, etc.

  • Answer
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Hello and thanks for contacting us. WordPress is the content management system (CMS) or website builder. BoldGrid is a plugin suite that adds features to WordPress. If you have BoldGrid installed, it'll be on a WordPress website. Please see our BoldGrid Introduction article and call our Live Support if you have any further questions. That also allows us to quickly answer any further questions you have regarding web hosting - security, email, analytics, design, etc.