Unlimited PHP memory_limit running Composer still exhausts memory

  • Answered
I have increased my php's memory_limit value in the "Loaded Configuration File" to -1 (temporarily). I can verify the change in my terminal by entering "php -i | grep memory_limit" and in my browser with . I have also added changes so that this php.ini file is used recursively (https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/php/recursive-php-ini). However, when I try to run Composer install using my non-root user, I always get memory exhausted fatal errors. If I use the root user, it runs no problem but I do not want to do that. What is the problem?
IMH Support Agent 5
Hello, Thank you for your question about PHP memory limits in your server. It may be best to review the script or snippet of code that is bogging down the memory so much. Are you getting a specific error message? You may want to check for PHP errors to get some more information. Let us know if you have any further questions. Best, Christopher M.