Problem when sending string through json to php server

  • Answered
Good Evening,

I have a local host installed at my own machine and everything works fine. When I migrated the server php files to Inmotion, json stopped working. I thought it could be related to internet connection and I decided to upload the client files as well. The problem persisted.
I debugged and found:

String sent to server :

[{"vitima_id":1,"ocorrencia_id":1,"nome":"Bradesco","sexo":"Feminino","fase":"Pessoa em vida","iml":"Não encaminhado","paf":"nao","observacao":""}]

String received on server:



[{"vitima_id":1,"ocorrencia_id":1,"nome":"Bradesco","sexo":"Feminino","fase":"Pessoa em vida","iml":"Não encaminhado","paf":"nao","observacao":""

I have 10 tables being updated and only one worked. The issue is always at the end of transmission, missing characters and sometimes with the symbol "%" at the end.

Do we have to do some special configuration in php to correctly receive json strings from client side?
IMH Support Agent 5

Thank you for contacting us about json and php issues in your server. I would be happy to investigate this further for you if you can provide some further information about your configuration in the server. Since we cannot troubleshoot your client-side configuration we need more data about what you think may be missing or broken in the server configuration.

Christopher M.