How Opencart Checkbox Option works? If i applied to 3 Color checkbox option to a Product, a customer can choose all 3 colors without increasing quantity, so whats its actual Use? or How to Use?
Hello Illusioninfotech,
Sorry for your confusion over how a checkbox option works in OpenCart. The option is used to determine what specific product a user wants. For instance, if your customer wants to have a purple shirt instead of a red shirt, then you should have those as checkbox options for that shirt product. You will need to add the options as well as the inventory information in the back end of OpenCart to make this work properly. Changing the color of the shirt does not change the quantity of the person's chosen products for their cart if you are allowing them to choose multiple colors without changing inventory. Choosing a color for a product should change the inventory levels as per the option in OpenCart. Click on the link for the tutorial and you should see more detail on how to use the option. If you make that option so that it doesn't change the inventory, then it will not change the cart numbers. I hope that explains it for you. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.
Arnel C.