Viewing the Quiz Statistics Report in Moodle

Reviewing reports from your quizzes can help identify patterns or issues with specific questions. It can also help you see how well your students are grasping the information. For example, if you see students missing the same question on a quiz. This may mean the question needs rewording, or the material needs more review during class. In this guide I will show you how to view the Quiz Statistics Report in Moodle. This allows teachers to see the results of quizzes they’ve given, and also see the information in a chart form.

How to View the Quiz Statistics Report

    1. Login to the Admin section of Moodle.
    2. Click the class that contains the quiz.
      Access class in Moodle

    3. On the next screen, click the quiz you want to see statistics report for.
      access the quiz students have taken

    4. In the Quiz administration section, click the Results link.
      Selecting results in Moodle menu

      You will then see the Quiz Statistics Report. The look will vary based on how your quiz is setup, but here is an example:
      example moodle quiz stats

      Below is a list of the information you will be able to see:

      Quiz Information
      Quiz name
      Course name
      Number of complete graded first attempts
      Total number of complete graded attempts
      Average grade of first attempts
      Average grade of all attempts
      Average grade of last attempts
      Average grade of highest graded attempts
      Median grade (for highest graded attempt)
      Standard deviation (for highest graded attempt)
      Score distribution skewness (for highest graded attempt)
      Coefficient of internal consistency (for highest graded attempt)
      Error ratio (for highest graded attempt)
      Standard error (for highest graded attempt)

      There will also be a Quiz structure analysis section; below is a list of what you will see there. For more detailed information, see the official Moodle documentation on the quiz statistics calculations:

      Question name
      Facility index
      Standard deviation
      Random guess score
      Intended weight
      Effective weight
      Discrimination index
      Discriminative efficiency

      There will also be a link on the bottom to the “Moodle Docs for this page.” If you click it, you can view more information on Quiz Reports in Moodle.
      clicking Moodle docs link

Congratulations, now you know how to view the Quiz Statistics Report in Moodle!

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