What Is An IMH Kudo?

Here at InMotion Hosting we appreciate not only our customers but also our team members and their excellent customer service. We recognize that our success is tied directly to our customers. We are not satisfied until our customers are satisfied.

"IMH Kudo" is defined as a compliment from a customer. Here is how the 2 part monthly program works.

Part 1-For every Kudo (compliment) that you receive from a customer you'll get $10 dollars in your paycheck.

Part 2-For each Kudo received by the Support Department, $5 is placed in a pool and a monthly drawing is held. For every Kudo you receive your name goes into the drawing to increase your chances of winning. If you get 20 kudos, you get $200 and 20 chances to win the monthly drawing.

Is a program like that hard to believe? Just ask Scott Mitchell. A picture is worth a 1000 words.

So if you want to get paid for treating our customers like you want to be treated, come on down!  https://www.inmotionhosting.com/employment/job-openings/tier-1-support-technician